Falah-E-Millat Trust
Falah-e-Millat Trust
Falah-E-Millat Trust Contact Address

Privacy Policy

At Falah-E-Millat Trust, we care deeply about privacy. We believe in transparence, and we're committed to being upfront about our privacy practices, including how we treat your personal information. We know you care about your privacy too. The Falah-E-Millat Trust cares about your personal data and will only use your personal information, including your name and contact information, in a way consistent with our privacy policy. We will follow best privacy policy to take care for your personal data at falah-e-millattrust.org. For more information on how we process your personal information and how to exercise your rights please see our privacy policy on www.falah-e-millattrust.org or contact us on info@falah-e-millattrust.org for more information.